Slower day today, but we made some good progress towards understanding kites.
More on kites and rhombi today.
Ms Van Donselaar presented on 2.3, giving a construction of a kite. We talked a little about how to write that up, and then had a long conversation around this particular item.
We got two new theorems today, saw an idea for another, and then started a discussion about a thing we’ve let sit for too long.
We made so many theorems today. It is wonderful.
We had two presentations and two mini-lectures today.
More discussion of rhombi today.
An important thing happened today: you made the first class conjectures, which we will add to the list of tasks for class to do.
We briefly discussed the process behind writing for the class journal.
We had our first meeting, and we have our first theorem! My thanks to Ms Van Donselaar for giving the first presentation.