Apr 24, 2015: Catching Up

This post covers two class meetings.

Apr 20, 2015: covariant derivatives and geodesics, 1

Today I handed out project descriptions for surfaces. Also, we started talking about the tasks in Shifrin 2.4 about the covariant derivative and geodesics.

Apr 17, 2015: Last Day to work on Christoffel symbols

Our discussion started with student presentations today: - Jesse M did Shifrin 2.3 #6 - Corbyn did #7a - Christine did #7b - Emily did #7c…sorta.

Apr 15, 2015: Gauss' Theorema Egregium

Sladana presented Shifrin 2.3# 2b, Emily presented 2.3#12. This gave me the opportunity to talk about Gauss’ Theorema Egregium. This is a central result of classical differential geometry, and one of the motivating results for modern differential (Reimannian) geometry.

Apr 13, 2015: Parallels between curve theory and surface theory

Today Mark did Shifrin 2.3#5.

Apr 10, 2015: Sladana Presents

Sladana presented her project on the Bishop Framing and parallel curves. Christine finished her discussion of Shifrin 2.3#1 and Emily finished 2.3 #2c.

Apr 8, 2015: Mark's Project

Mark shared with us his work on a project to describe curves which live on quadric surfaces by a differential equation using only curvature and torsion.

Apr 6, 2015: Emily Presents

Emily presented about the tangent spherical image of a curve. This is a bit like a curves version of the Gauss map.

Apr 3, 2015: Christine Presents

Christine presented on Bertrand mates.

Apr 1, 2015: Corbyn's presentation and Gauss' idea

Corbyn gave the presentation on his project for curves. This bit about treating the framing as a rigid body and studying the rotational motion as a physicist does is neat. So, we learned about the concept of areal velocity and saw the Darboux vector. By the way, Gaston Darboux was an important French geometer.

Mar 30, 2015: Jesse M's project

Today, Jesse M presented his project on the theorems of Fenchel and Fary-Milnor.

Mar 27, 2015: More Curvature

Today we had four presentations from Shifrin 2.2.

Mar 25, 2015: Curvature for Surfaces

We got down into the details! Presentations from Shifrin section 2.2:

Mar 23, 2015: Back To Work

Back from break, and back to work.

Mar 18, 2015: Catching Up! Spring Break Edition

As the week ended, we lost all momentum and didn’t get a lot done. But most of you turned in project papers, and that is a good thing.

Mar 9, 2015: Even More Surfaces

Jesse Started work on Shifrin 2.1 #14. (I think he finished (a).) We started work in class on exercise 12.

Mar 6, 2015: Surfaces, Again!

Today we talked more about basic geometry on surfaces. We had lots of opportunity to talk about maps and the way that they distort things. An important distinction that came up is the difference between bending a surface around in space (which won’t change the inner geometry) and the actual curvature of a surface.

Mar 4, 2015: More Surface Basics

We discussed more of the exercises from Shifrin on the basics of parametrized surfaces.

Mar 2, 2015: Surfaces 3

More work on basics of surfaces. Emily did Shfrin # 4a; Corbyn did # 7. We talked for a bit about the details of that last one. Some of the arguments are subtle.

Feb 27, 2015: Surfaces 2

More time to discuss the basics of surfaces. From Shifrin: Corbyn did # 2, Sladana did # 3a,b; Corbyn did # 4b.

Feb 25, 2015: surfaces, part I

Today we began our study of surfaces. We talked about the basic picture of a parametrized surace: with \(u\)-curves, \(v\)-curves, tangent vectors, tangent plane, normal vectors, and the first fundamental form.

Feb 23, 2015: Last Day of Curves

Today was our last day of talking about only curves as a class. We discussed how integration (like when computing arclength) really is a difficult problem, and we have made up names of functions to describe some integrals that we understand. Names like \(\ln x\), \(\sin x\), and \(e^x\). Many of you ran across “elliptic integrals” and these are similar, but of the next level of complextity.

Feb 20, 2015: Involutes & Evolutes

Short discussion of Involutes and Evolutes today. I hope we can finish this up and move on to surfaces next week.

Feb 18, 2015: The Normal form for curves

Today we took time to talk a bit more about the detail for curves. Emily finished Struik \(S\)1-6 #11 and we learned the new vocabulary word vertex. A vertex is a point where \(\kappa’=0\), and this connects with the task Emily did by seeing the radius of the osculating circle seems to be not changing at that point.

Feb 16, 2015: The Fundamental Theorem

Today was a bit slow. So, I talked a little bit about the Fundamental Theorem of Curve theory, which is really a corollary to the Existence and Uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations. The idea is that the curvature and torsion functions are all the information we need to write down the Frenet-Serret equations. And those are a coupled system of ordinary differential equations! In the end, that means that knowledge of \(\kappa\) and \(\tau\) is enough to completely determine the curve, up to some rigid motion of Euclidean space.

Feb 13, 2015: Exam Day!

Exam today on the basic computational aspects of curve theory.

Feb 11, 2015: Osculating Structures

I spent some time discussing the intricacies of the argument that justifies calling the osculating plane the “plane through three consecutive points.”

Feb 9, 2015: Geometry using the Frenet-Serret Apparatus, 3

Today we solved many problems by using the Frenet-Serret apparatus and equations. The fun part is to see how quickly we can get real geometry theorems using this tool.

Feb 6, 2015: Project Sorting Day

Today we discussed two exercises from Shifrin. Corbyn did 1.2.11, which was a patient and careful computation. Mark did 1.2.8, which showed that a curve which has all of its normal lines through a fixed point must be a planar circle. This used all three of the “big tricks” from classical differential geometry. In order.

Feb 4, 2015: Hitchman Takes a Turn

Today Emily asked me to show how I start to think about one of these tasks. There is value in watching an “expert” figure stuff out, so I did it. The task in question was exercise 1.2.10 from Shifrin. This ended up taking the whole hour, so we didn’t do anything else. I’ll put a copy of my “solution” below, but it doesn’t have the thinking part in it.

Feb 2, 2015: Frenet-Serret Apparatus

We spent some time in discussion today where the students checked their work on lots of example calculuations together.

Jan 30, 2015: Frenet-Serret Framing 2

We only had two presentations today. Jesse T did 1.2.2c from Shifrin and Corbyn did 1.2.3a.

Jan 28, 2015: Frenet Apparatus, Part 1

We started working through computations of the Frenet framing of a curve. This is a set of vectors \(T, N, B\) defined at each point of the curve. The best way to think of them is as a moving frame. The basic geometry of a curve will be encoded in the way this frame moves around.

Jan 26, 2015: Parameterized Curves 3

Another day to discuss the idea of arclength reparameterizations and do a little geometry.

Jan 23, 2015: Parameterized Curves 2

We made some more progress today on parameterized curves.

Jan 21, 2015: Parameterized Curves 1

We first talked a little bit about “leveling up,” and about how to read mathematics effectively (use a pen; work along; do extra examples by yourself; reread multiple times).

Jan 14, 2015: First Meeting

For our first meeting, we considered two problems about parameterized curves.

Jan 6, 2015: Welcome

This is the class blog. I’ll have more to say later.

Contact Prof Hitchman
Theron J Hitchman
Department of Mathematics 0506
University of Nothern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50613-0506
Other Contact Information
Office: 327 Wright Hall
Phone: 319-273-2646
email: theron.hitchman@uni.edu
Course Information
Class Meetings:
MWF 9am in WRT 8
Office Hours:
MWF 10-11am, 2-3pm, or by appointment