Back from break, and back to work.

We had two computational presentations: Corbyn did Shifrin 2.2.3b and Emily did Shifrin 2.2.3d.

We talked a bunch about what the Gauss map is and considered examples (a hyperbolic paraboloid, a cylinder).

I would really like to finish section 2.2 as fast as possible so we can get to geometry.

Contact Prof Hitchman
Theron J Hitchman
Department of Mathematics 0506
University of Nothern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50613-0506
Other Contact Information
Office: 327 Wright Hall
Phone: 319-273-2646
Course Information
Class Meetings:
MWF 9am in WRT 8
Office Hours:
MWF 10-11am, 2-3pm, or by appointment