Today we solved many problems by using the Frenet-Serret apparatus and equations. The fun part is to see how quickly we can get real geometry theorems using this tool.

From Shifrin, Corbyn did 1.2.7. Jesse did 1.2.9. From Struik, TJ did 1-6#2 and Mark did 1-6#4.

I handed out project description sheets, too!

We will have the pen & paper competency exam for the basics of curves on Friday in class.

Our next topic of study will be “osculation.” I want to get into the details of understanding the osculating plane, circle, sphere, and helix. The main tool here will be the Mean Value Theorem and a particular kind of limiting argument.

There is exposition of this material in Struik \(\S\S\)1-3, 1-4, and 1-7. We will complete exercises $\S$1-6 #3,8,10,11,15 and \(\S\)1-11 #5. Also, there is a bit of overlap with Shifrin exercise 1.2.24.

Contact Prof Hitchman
Theron J Hitchman
Department of Mathematics 0506
University of Nothern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50613-0506
Other Contact Information
Office: 327 Wright Hall
Phone: 319-273-2646
Course Information
Class Meetings:
MWF 9am in WRT 8
Office Hours:
MWF 10-11am, 2-3pm, or by appointment