Mark shared with us his work on a project to describe curves which live on quadric surfaces by a differential equation using only curvature and torsion.

Then we jumped into talking about Christoffel symbols! We discussed several exercises from Shifrin section 2.3: Christine did #1 and #2a. Mark did #4. Emily started to do #2c, but asked for a redo.

Next time, Sladana will share her project with us, and we’ll do more about local geometry of surfaces.

Contact Prof Hitchman
Theron J Hitchman
Department of Mathematics 0506
University of Nothern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50613-0506
Other Contact Information
Office: 327 Wright Hall
Phone: 319-273-2646
Course Information
Class Meetings:
MWF 9am in WRT 8
Office Hours:
MWF 10-11am, 2-3pm, or by appointment